Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO
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Unfortunately, most studies separate the inscriptions from the context of the ritual pit-grave of the magic-religious practitioner buried with the tablets (Milady Tartaria). However, this composite burial made of her osseous remains, her tools/adornments/identifiers, and the tablets was a sacralized unity intended to consecrate her as a respected ancestor for an early Vinca community. TARTARIA AND THE SACRED TABLETS (2011) was authored by Gheorghe Lazarovici, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, and Marco Merlini in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Nicolae Vlassa’s excavation of Tartaria. These three authoritative archaeologists redacted this archaeo-semiotic investigation where archaeological context – observed in conjunction with other related information – provides insights for examining the sign system employed at Tartaria. Sign analysis is, in turn, utilized as a filter for archaeological data. New, extended excavations at Tartaria have recently begun. They are organized by the Lucian Blaga University – IPCTE at Sibiu and directed by Sabin Adrian Luca. TARTARIA
AND THE SACRED TABLETS is offered as a free download thanks to EURO
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