Here are a few characteristics
of the Balkan-Danube script:
The Balkan-Danube script was not developed for economic
or administrative reasons but for religious rituals which gradually
became increasingly complex.
It combines written signs with sacred, geometric
and abstract symbols.
- The
core of the script consists of about thirty abstract root-signs expressing
most of the fundamental geometrical forms.
- It
multiplies the root-signs, arriving at over two hundred derivative
signs on the basis of a sophisticated rule of multiple variations
(simple or complex) and by duplicating or triplicating them.
The script is made up of abstract and arbitrary signs rather than
figurative or naturalistic motifs.
Although the script tends to make the root-signs more complex and
to show them in a multiple form, it does not enable the latter to
be dismembered or simplified into their elementary components. The
various root-signs in their complete versions (V, M, X…) have
come straight down to us from Palaeolithic times.
The script organizes the written signs in an orderly manner and in
specific places within a logically coherent system, specially designed
for readability. For some authors, this order has a linear character.
It tends to construct an inscription by combining a root-sign with
others with which it shares a metaphysical arrangement or by duplicating
or multiplying it to expand its power.
- It
is mainly made up of one and two-sign inscriptions.
- It
is not alphabetical but consists of a mix of ideograms and syllabic
elements, the former more numerous than the latter.
- Normally
a sign stands for a single word, whereas the grammatical indications
were omitted or were simply understood with the help of the surrounding
context; it probably signified the stem of a word in writing, whilst
omitting its inflexional elements.
- It
communicated messages such as the names of a divinity or its epithets,
magical or liturgical formulas, forms of divination, blessings and
invocations; only in rare cases was it used to transmit narrative
contents such as mythologies, tales or detailed descriptions.
- The
geometrical patterns and basic designs are similar to the equally
abstract decorations on vases, seals and figures.
brief, the Balkan-Danube script shows a high degree
of abstraction, rationality and logical thought. These characteristics
correspond to a strong inclination towards a geometrical approach.
were the signs-roots of the holy script of Ancient Europe?