The Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO INNOVANET

The Prehistory Knowledge project involves an international network of universities, research institutes and museums.

Promoters of the international network are:

Dusko Aleksovski. He discovered Rock Art in Macedonia and created the Macedonian Rock Art Research Centre, a member of the International Federation of Rock Art Organizations. He has set up the World Rock Art Academy with headquarters in Skopje. Aleksovski is studying Old European Script and writing a book on Old Macedonian script.

Federico Bardanzellu. Manager of the City of Rome. He is the responsible for the Proto-history Section of the Prehistory Knowledge Project . Among the other publications, he published “Gli antenati che vennero dal mare” and he has in progress a book concerning the cultural exchanges in the Mediterranean Area during the Proto-historical age.

Daniela Bulgarelli. Artist and anthropologist, she paints and studies the links between ceramic, mural and body art. She has published Come dipingere su ceramica e porcellana (De Vecchi, 1994) and Decorare la ceramica e la porcellana (De Vecchi, 1997). She teaches at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Turin and has done research with the universities of Turin and Rome. Bulgarelli is the author of the paintings appearing on the website.

Harald Haarmann. He teaches linguistics at various universities in Germany and Japan. He is a member of the Research Centre on Multilingualism (Brussels). Haarmann has published over 40 books in German, English, Spanish, Japanese and approximately 200 texts in a dozen languages. He won the Prix Logos in 1999 (Association européenne des linguistes et des professeurs de langues, Paris) and the Jean Monnet 1999 prize (for literary essays). The American Biographical Institute (USA) elected him Man of the Year 2001 in the language studies field.

Joan Marler. She is the editor of The Civilization of the Goddess (1991) by Marija Gimbutas, editor of From the Realm of the Ancestors: An Anthology in Honour of Marija Gimbutas (1997), and director of the Institute of Archaeomythology. Marler is an Executive Editor of the ReVision Journal and teaches Archaeomythology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, California USA.

Marco Merlini. He is the co-ordinator of the Prehistory Knowledge project. Investigative journalist and researcher, he is director of the EURO INNOVANET Institute. Merlini is the author of various books and articles. He is completing the book Was Writing Born in Europe? Searching for a Sacred Script.

Shan M. Winn. professor emeritus of Anthropology, pioneered research on the Old European Script. He is the author of the authoritative Pre-Writing in Southeaster Europe: The Sign System of the Vinca Culture ca. 4000 BC. Winn was Field Director of the Achilleion excavation in Thessaly and at Scaloria Cave in Apulia, collaborating with Prof. Gimbutas at both sites. He also has excavated extensively in Iran, Anatolia and Israel.