Patrocinio del
Comune di Roma
Dipartimento XIV
The Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO INNOVANET
 Milady Tărtăria and the riddle of dating Tărtăria tablets
by Marco Merlini
3. A challenge to some of the myths on those mythical artefacts

a) The bones are broken in a natural way and not scorched

The direct analysis of the bones established that they are broken in a natural way and are not burnt. Not at all.

The bone fragments are of a dark brown colour, therefore it was legitimate to suppose it was the consequence of thermic stress suffered by them during their history. It could have implied the partial or total carbonization of the collagenous converting it, by charring, into elementary carbon.

Chemical tests at the Laboratory of the Department "Scienze della Terra" of La Sapienza University of Rome have on the contrary excluded processes of converting the bones into carbon. The dark brown colour is due to the absorption of oxygen hydrate and insoluble humates coming from the burial place.

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