Patrocinio del
Comune di Roma
Dipartimento XIV
The Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO INNOVANET
 Milady Tărtăria and the riddle of dating Tărtăria tablets
by Marco Merlini
4. Tărtăria finds belong to the Vinča civilization cultural phase B1/B2

If one compares the cronostratigraphic sequence of Transylvania and Banat sites with the C14 age of the human bones discovered by Vlassa in the ritual pit, one can place Milady Tărtăria in the Middle Neolithic, cultural phase Vinča B1/B2. In particular, her age is between the oldest calculated for the Banat culture (from 6330 +-140 yr BP Lv-2139 to 6240+-70 yr BP Lv 2148) and belonging respectively to Vinča B1 phase (pit-house level 2) and Vinča B1/B2 (pit-house level 3).
If one examines the excavation levels, one can situate Milady Tărtăria and the tablets between layer 14 and the base of layer 11.

Chronological position of the Tărtăria bones

 Cultural layer in Tărtăria  Radiocarbon Data of Transylvania (T) and Banat (B)
 Vinča B1/B2
 Pithouse layer 11-12
 Orăstie I Tudas group = Vinča C1 (T)
 Deb-5765 6070±70 BP
 Parta layer 6a, L41 Banat Culture (B)
 Lv-2150 6070 ±80
 Parta layer 6a, L 41 Lv-2144 6100 ±80
 Parta layer 6a, L 18, Lv-2149 6160 ± 90
 Parta layer 7c - 6a, L 40 Lv-2140 6140 ± 80
 Parta layer 7c - 6a, L 40 Lv-2140 6140 ± 80
 Parta layer 6a, P41, Lv-2148 6160 ± 100
 Parta layer 7c - 6a, L 20 Lv-2148 6240 ± 70
 Parta layer 7c - 6, L17/43 Lv-2151 6240 ±70
 Parta layer 6a, L 42 Lv-2143 = 6340 ±100 **
 Parta layer 7c - 6a, L 42, Lv-2142 = 6240 ±80
 Vinča B1
 Pithouse layer 13-14
 Parta layer 7c - 6a, L 42, Lv-2141 6290 ±80
 Parta layer 7c - 6, Lv-2139 6330 ±140

merlini tartaria | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |