PARŢA archaeological
The deer house (Casa Cerbului)
1- 15 July 2005
TEAM: Gh. Lazarovici
(coordinator „Eftimie Murgu” University, Resita); Fl. Draşovean,
(Banat Museum Timisoara), Marco Merlini (vice-coordinator „Lucian
Blaga” University, Sibiu, EURO INNOVANET), Paola Uccelli Gnesutta
(Pisa University), Zoia Maxim (National Historical Museum of Transylvania,
Cluj-Napoca), Cornelia - Magda Lazarovici (Institute of Archaeology,
Iaşi), Valentin Cedică (Banat Museum Timisoara), Sorin
Petrescu, Dimitrie Negrei, Sorin Ioan, Daniela Gurgu (all from Ethnographical
and Border Regiment Museum, Caransebes), Cristian Roman, Dragos
Diaconescu (both from Castle Museum at Hunedoara), Angeleski Sote
(„Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu), Oleg Chitic (Institute of Archaeology
and Ethnography, Chişinău), Tatar Arpad (Cluj), Tibi
Daroczy and Dobos Zenobia (students, Cluj University), Adrian Fota
(restorator at Banat Museum Timişoara), Diana Bindea, (paleozoologist
at National Historical Museum of Transylvania Cluj - Napoca), Bojin
Loredana and Burlacu Felicia (students, History-Theology Department,
Location (the excavation area: 45º
37’ 25’’N; 21º 06’50’’E; main sites: between 45º 37’ 10’’ and 45º
37’51’’N; between 21º 06’7’’ - 21º 07’08’’E). The settlement is
located on the right bank of the Timis River, between the river
dikes and westward, between an active river elbow and a meadow,
in the place named „Saitos - La Vaci (fig. 1). In the first excavations
the site had cca. 3-4 ha, but about 40% of it was destroyed by the
river, or due to the construction of the river dikes.
The first archaeological materials have been noticed with the occasion
of the dikes’ construction. The site has been investigated by several
important archaeologists: Joachim Miloja (1931) has excavated about
170 - 200 m2, and published an inventory and images with
the discovered objects; M. Moga has made rescue excavations in 1943/1945,
1951 and in the period 1960-1963; he has investigated an area of
40 x 3 m (an anthropomorphic pot from his excavation is in fig.
21). Until now, we have investigated about 2100 m2; in
some areas, the investigation has reached only the level 7c.
Fig. 1a. Şaitoş-La
vaci place |
Fig. 1b. The
starting of the excavation |
Several old riverbeds cross the settlement and water often overflows.
In fact the archaeological area has over 50 Km2 and more
than 42 sites (from Early Neolithic until Middle Age) or archaeological
complexes (tumulus, pits, ovens) have been noticed. Many of the
discoveries are accidental, related with plugging, fishing or flooding.
Around the site of Parta gravitate other 14 sites and cult complexes,
from the Early Neolithic until Copper Age period (Kupferzeit, from
Tiszapolgár culture until Baden – Cotofeni cultures).
Fig. 2. Parţa,
Sanctuary 1, reconstruction (Gh. Lazarovici) |
Two Neolithic sanctuaries have been discovered in the center of
the site of Parţa: one with monumental statues that have been
removed and reconstructed at Banat Museum, Timişoara; from
the second sanctuary only the altar was preserved (table altar A).
The additional presence of other sanctuaries, or household sanctuaries,
as well as over 150 dwellings, 4 blocks of houses with 4 - 5 rooms,
suspended floor or two levels suggests a very dynamic community.
Over 30.000 objects have been discovered, out of which 20.000 have
been selected and included in our database.
Fig. 3. Complexes
from the 7c – 6 level |
Two volumes and over 20 studies, reports and catalogues have been
published. We have used interdisciplinary research, such as: magnetometry,
pedologic analysis, paleozoologic investigation or analysis on pottery,
tools (different sort of raw materials have been used), charcoal
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10