Copper Age habitation, level 4 |
In this level
we have investigated only partially a house with suspended floor,
on an area of 60 cm long and over 2 m width; among the ruins, we
find Tiszapolgár sherds. The house will be entirely investigated
next year.
Neolithic habitation, level
5, Banat IIC culture
In the area of the squares 174-182 C have been noticed complexes
from the level 5, P 150 and P 115. The treasure hunters that dig
in the border of the river, looking for archaeological objects,
destroyed House 150. In this way even the upper part of the house
of the deer, „Casa Cerbului”, was partially affected.
Fig. 13. Level
5c |
From this house there are only traces of the floor as well as some
sherds, the bigger part of it being destroyed by a Middle Agee pit
house (P170/2). The floor was made of bitten clay, after a leveling
of the older ruins. From P 150 = 170.2 only a corner of the floor
was preserved, as it is possible to see in the lower figure. As
mentioned before, from the Middle Agee pit house some sherds and
a spindle whorl were preserved. During our investigation, the floor
of the Neolithic house was discovered at the level of the pit house
filling, so that in the beginning we believed they both belong to
the same complex.
After we have dismantled the Middle Age oven, it was possible to
observe it had been dig in the floor of the house from the level
5 and in the strata of room D, from the level 6.
The edges of the house have not been exactly defined, but the floor
was over 2.50 m long. So, judging by the old excavations, we believe
that this complex was 3.6 – 4 m long (the floor in section 11, being
so well define). Because of the different soil subsides in the southern
room D of the „Casa Cerbului”, it is impossible to establish its
exact contour; the same situation is found in the northern edge,
where the area was destroyed by a Middle Age pit house and a pit
made by treasure hunters.
In the SW part of the margin, we have discovered sherds from the
base of a storing pot (fig. 14), a flint blade and an obsidian sliver,
as well as sherds on the floor, some of them coming from the upper
level, late Neolithic period. We have discovered few sherds, generally
spread by the Middle Age habitation; some Neolithic materials (sherds,
flint slivers) were found in the filling of the Middle Age pit house.
Fig. 14. L 170.2
pot on the floor, behind the Middle Age fireplace |
Fig. 15. Floor
and Neolithic spindle whorl on it (L 170.2) |
On the floor, in situ a round clay spindle whorl was discovered
(3, 5-4 cm thick), with a small hole maybe used for the lengthening
of the fibers of the loom. Such clay instruments have been discovered
at Balta Sărăta, where after 6 conic spindle whorls
a round follows (Gh. Lazarovici – Sorin Petrescu et alii 2003, p.
Under the clay of the floor are the ruins of room D; in this area
we have not found any traces of postholes from the structure of
the house, even after carefully working with the vacuum cleaner.
If these postholes pits have been excavated in the adobes and after
filled with the same material, such things are very hard to be detected.
The Middle Age postholes pits have been filled with a different
material, quite easy to identify. Near the stick of the eastern
edge of the floor we found such a pit, maybe Neolithic, maybe Middle
Age. The complex was NE-SW oriented; about 3 m long; in the corner
were many sherds from a storing pot (fig. 14, 16).
This house has the same orientation as that belonging to level 5,
but it was longer than the ones in its proximity. Unfortunately,
because of an error of the editor, this plan is missing in the Parţa
monograph; its place was between p. 170-171 (Lazarovici et alii
2001), (fig. 13). The house is on the same line as the southern
houses but bigger than them.
Fig. 16. The
east part of the platform 115, destroyed by the Middle Age
pit house |
Neolithic habitation, level
Level 6 belongs to Banat culture IIB. The radiocarbon data for the
houses in the neighborhood of sanctuary II, part of the complex
of houses L17/40-L43 (also destroyed in 6 level), are between 5200
– 5000 CAL B.C., earlier as those belonging to the Vinča C
phase (Gh. Lazarovici et alii 2001; 2005). We believe that the new
radiocarbon data confirm the relative and absolute chronological
frame (Mantu 2000; Schier – Draşovean 2004; Lazarovici Gh.
2005; etc.).
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